Our Mission and Core Commitments
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Our Mission
Trinity exists to embrace, embody, and extend
the redemptive message of Jesus
to the people and places of Fort Worth and beyond.
Our Core Commitments
Trinity is a gospel-centered church committed to following Jesus by…
Worshipping God together through historic liturgy that is rich, accessible, and emotionally honest
We are committed to worship that connects us to the church in history and at the same time is accessible and intelligible to people living in Fort Worth in the 21st century. We believe that to be possible through a biblically and theologically rich liturgy that engages the full spectrum of emotions in the Christian life. Every week, we gather to hear God’s Word and feast at God’s Table as Jesus nourishes us with his very life. In short, we long for Jesus to become more beautiful and believable to us as we gather for worship.
Striving to know and be known in our life together
Because the gospel changes our hearts and identities, it makes us into people who can live in relationships marked by love, honesty, vulnerability, service, and forgiveness. We believe that by God’s grace, the church can be a new kind of community, and so we strive to embody that in our relationships with one another.
Engaging in formative spiritual practices
Spiritual formation is the process by which God renews His image in us by making us more like Jesus through the ongoing work of his Spirit, and He’s given us a number of spiritual practices as a means to that end. These spiritual practices are ways that we slow down to enjoy our life with Jesus and to orient our lives around him.
Extending the welcome of the gospel in word and deed
God has welcomed us in and through Christ, and so we hope to extend that same welcome of the gospel to our neighbors, our city, and our world by both proclaiming and embodying the redemptive message of Jesus.
Serving our city
We believe God has blessed us in order to be a blessing to our neighbors, our city, and our world, and so we are committed to serving our community in ways that reflect the way Jesus has sacrificially served us.