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Local Mercy

Local Mercy

Just as Christ gave Himself for us, so we should give ourselves up for the sake of others. Below is a list of ways to get involved in local mercy within our community.


Rivertree Academy is a Christian independent school located in the Lake Como Community of Fort Worth, Texas. Rivertree Academy exists to serve Christ by educating his children. We believe that children of Rivertree will go on to be agents for change in their communities, and the best way to achieve that goal is to teach them to Learn, Love, Work, and Lead Well. Our students attend on scholarships, because of our many generous partners and donors who make this education possible!

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • After School Buddies – assist in tutoring, homework, and leading clubs
  • Student Mentors – encouragement, support and spiritual guidance for 1st and 2nd graders, provided virtually for now
  • Reading Buddies – read one-on-one with a student
  • Classroom Helpers – assist teachers with lessons, one-on-one time with students, and other organizational tasks
  • Parent University Group Facilitators – assist in the education and support of Rivertree families a few times a month every Spring on topics of parenting, spiritual formation, and racial reconciliation
  • Prayer Partners – commit to praying for our students, staff, and families

Trinity Contacts: Elaine Lambert –

Rivertree Contact: Abbie Pitzer, Volunteer Coordinator –

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The Net addresses sex trafficking and exploitation and supports survivors because everyone is worthy of the chance to rebuild their lives. We serve survivors of trafficking in North Texas through empowering programming fueled by virtuous relationships. Rather than only providing material relief or hand-outs, we restore dignity through community and relationships while providing the support necessary for individuals to become independent and valued members of society.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Bring a Meal – provide a meal for survivors of exploitation
  • Shop goods handcrafted by survivors of trafficking at The Worthy Co. (
  • MASE Breakfast – education and conversation around the demand for commercial sexual exploitation in our city
  • Raise Awareness – use your voice and influence to create change in our community

Trinity Contacts: Brendan Reagan  –

The NET Contact: Ty Bowden, Associate Director  –

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In response to the compassionate and welcoming love of Jesus, DASH Network exists to love people who are seeking asylum by serving their physical and relational needs.

Relationships are at the heart of everything DASH does. DASH desires for every seeker to form meaningful relationships and find community while in their program. Additionally, DASH provides asylum seekers with homes in downtown Fort Worth, which provide them with access to the bus route, hospital district, and great public schools. Food is provided from local food banks weekly and supplemented by grocery volunteers. Additionally, DASH offers ESL classes, Job Corp training, and life skills classes.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Advocate:  Guide/mentor for an asylum seeker as they navigate the asylum process
  • Donate:  Household items, cleaning supplies, clothing, financially, etc.
  • Driver:  Provide transportation to/from classes or appointments
  • Friendship:  Attend monthly small-group fellowships with residents
  • Grocery:  Sponsor an apartment and coordinate with our residents to pick up groceries 1-2 times per month.
  • Moving:  Move, furnish, and/or setup apartments for incoming and outgoing residents

Trinity Contact: Miranda Holland  –

DASH Contact: Lora Winslow, Volunteer Coordinator  –

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Stay Informed: Click Here


50 years ago, two Fort Worth women opened up their hearts, lives, pocketbooks and homes to meet the needs of a handful of women facing unplanned pregnancies and all the medical, financial, and emotional needs that went with those pressure-filled situations.  Today, Pregnancy Lifeline continues to come alongside women, young girls and their families, partnering with churches like Trinity, staffed with professionals and supported by dozens of weekly volunteers.  The desperate needs continue to grow – material, relational and spiritual, few met by government funded resources.  Instead, Pregnancy Lifeline provides all of its services free of charge, raising its support from individuals, churches, and foundations in order to provide medical grade pregnancy tests, state-of-the-art 4D sonograms, free diapers, children’s clothing, baby and maternity items along with the hope of the gospel to anyone in need. Last year, the ministry served over 1500 families! To mark its 50th Anniversary, PLL is hosting a “Celebration of Life” dinner Saturday, March 25th at Southwest Christian’s Clay Center.  Sponsorships, donations for the fundraiser, and $35/person tickets can be obtained by contacting There are many ways to get involved with Pregnancy Lifeline’s ministry. In addition to one time and/or on-going financial support ( ), there are various opportunities for individuals, families, small groups, and whole churches to serve as:

  • Female client advocates, trained to meet with women and young girls facing unplanned pregnancies
  • Sonogram nurses, using PLL’s state-of-the-art 4D sonogram machines
  • Male mentors meeting with the babies’ fathers or with the women’s fathers who are struggling to help make life decisions
  • Teachers leading short term bible studies or parenting, nutrition, and ESL classes
  • Office help answering the phones, welcoming clients, filing client records and helping with special projects
  • Personal shoppers in the Blessing Store helping families select needed baby, children’s and women’s clothing and other items
  • Event support for PLL’s annual fundraiser, Saturday, March 25 2023
  • Store display and help sorting and arranging donations in the Blessing Store
  • Garage sale shoppers – finding gently used clothing and baby items for the Store
  • High school and college student service hours – special projects
  • Note writers, preparing handwritten notes for women coming in for pregnancy tests and sonograms
  • Provide snacks and water bottles for the staff and volunteer break room
  • Encourage or host a diaper, children’s clothing or book drive at your church, neighborhood, small group or bible study
  • Collect large paper bags for helpers to bundle diapers and baby items
  • Prayer support – from the comfort of your home or at the office as staff and volunteers gather at the start of each weekday

If you or your community group or bible study would like to schedule a project at the office or arrange for a tour of the facilities, please contact Jeanne Mullen.  You can also team up with another Community Group or lead a church-wide project like a toy, book or baby clothing/item drive.  Some groups even host “baby showers” knowing their gifts will go to lots of different women in need. 

Questions? Contact Sherry Denton as your Pregnancy Lifeline Ministry Partner.

Together for Life!
Sherry Denton (214)213-7509

Learn More:

Stay Informed: Click Here

Academy 4 partners churches with low-income schools to mentor 4th graders. Volunteers are matched with a 4th grader to mentor once a month for 90 minutes. Trinity is serving at Clarke Elementary to help provide mentors for every 4th grade student. We are excited to begin serving in the Near Southside and building loving relationships with students and families. Volunteers should register at:, select Clarke as the location and put Trinity Presbyterian as the “How did you hear about us.” Program Dates and time for mentoring is listed below and can be found at website: Clarke Elementary — Academy 4 

Trinity Contacts: Robbie Zimmerman  – Robbie Zimmerman

Academy 4 Contact: Melinda Dumas – Melinda Dumas

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