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Community Groups

Community Groups

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Our Community Groups are essential to our life at Trinity. Jesus never intended for the Christian life to be lived alone. He came to redeem a community of people, and we need meaningful relationships within that community in order to work out the implications of the gospel in our lives and in our community. At Trinity, we attempt to provide an opportunity for these sorts of relationships through our community groups. Because the gospel sets us free from pride, shame, and pretense, it is our hope that our community groups would be safe places for people to be open, honest, loving, and vulnerable about what’s happening in their lives. We care for each other, pray together, discuss the Bible, serve our city, and invite people into our homes and lives. We have over 15 Community Groups that meet throughout the city, and a Newcomers’ Community Group that gives new folks to the church an on-ramp into life at Trinity. To sign up for a Community Group, if you have questions, or would like more information about Community Groups, please contact Andy Wood.