A Community of Joy & Mission: A Study of Philippians A Community of Joy & Mission: By Learning to See April 10, 2016 %todo_render%
A Community of Joy & Mission: A Study of Philippians A Community of Joy & Mission: By Praying for One Another April 3, 2016 %todo_render%
Formed in Christ Week 6: Rest March 20, 2016 Speaker: Brian Davis | Series: Formed in Christ | Week 6: Rest
Stories of the King: The Parables of Luke Stories of the King: The Wicked Tenants March 13, 2016 %todo_render%
Formed in Christ Week 5: Fasting & Feasting March 13, 2016 Speaker: Brian Davis | Series: Formed in Christ | Week 5: Fasting & Feasting
Stories of the King: The Parables of Luke Stories of the King: The Unjust Judge March 6, 2016 %todo_render%